By Lucas Martinez, last updated at 2010-10-29
Offer relationship advice for you both to deal with problems. Many therapists have experience in this kind of advice and may be able to help you both a lot and solve her insecurities in a healthy way.
Gently suggest that explore where some of the insecurities really come from. Insecurity is not only overnight and a lot of this is probably due to other things that occurred in his past. If it can not determine the cause of some insecurities, you can help through reassurance. For example, if the uncertainty is due to people in his past teasing him about his looks, more time to reassure him that it is beautiful. If he is worried that you can cheat because former girlfriends did it, remind him that you are different and reassure him that he is the only one for you.
Let him know he can contact you if he has any thoughts or feelings of jealousy to put his mind at ease. It is tempting to get angry or upset when a partner is jealous, but try to stay calm. The exception to this rule is if he becomes verbally abusive about it and accuse you even after you told him the truth and tried to ease his concerns. Nobody should have to put up with verbal abuse arising from the insecurity of her boyfriend.
Discuss her insecurities in a non-adversarial. In other words, do not start with anger, saying, "Why are you so sure?" Instead, tell him you can feel that he is not sure of certain things and want to help him feel better about the relationship and things in general.
Insecurities your boyfriend feels may appear in the arguments, jealousy additional, mood swings or rupture. The insecurity within everyone can have many causes, but it is important to remember that in most, if not all, cases of insecurity began long before you entered the life of your little friend. Certain attitudes and behaviors on your part can sometimes help the relationship, however, to the benefit of you and your boyfriend.
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